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一、来自上述 和地区的人员,如有上述症状,入境时应当向海关申报,配合海关做好健康申报、体温监测、医学巡查、医学排查等卫生检疫工作。海关对有症状人员按照规定程序采取医学措施,对染疫或染疫嫌疑人的血液、分泌物或其他体液以及排泄物及其接触过的行李物品等,采取严格的消毒措施。

1、 Personnel from the above and regions who have the above symptoms shall declare to the Customs at the time of entry, and cooperate with the customs in health declaration, temperature monitoring, medical patrol, medical investigation and other health quarantine work. The customs shall take medical measures for symptomatic persons in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and take strict disinfection measures for the blood, secretions or other body fluids of infected or suspected infected persons, excreta and their contacted luggage and Instagram like,bulk Instagram followers

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