Instagram涨粉 一封开发信, 20个客户回复!

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一封开发信, 20个客户回复!

看了很多关于怎样写开发信的贴子,小编开发信模板一直没怎么变,回复率还算可以,同样的一封开发信总的收到了20来封回复,其中还有几个是大公司, 下面我就来分享分享我的开发信吧。

大家都在说开发信不要带附件,图片,标题要怎样怎样吸引人,而我的开发信 都是都带了附件,图片并且标题还不怎么吸引人,可能也跟行业不同吧,还有就是觉得大家都是生意人,客户不会把带有附件和图片的邮件拉入黑名单的哈,下面先说说我是怎样找客户的哈,大家不要着急。关于是否带附件的问题,大家可以先尝试下哦,基本上回复我的客户都是带图片了才回复的,没有带图片的回复很少哦。

[ins涨粉 润物粉丝网]

由于谷歌被禁了,我想到了雅虎,所以这半年来一直用的雅虎开发客户,开发的步骤是和谷歌一样的。现在雅虎 还是有很多国外客户常用的,所以想想去雅虎找客户倒也不是个坏方法,所以开始了我的雅虎找客户之旅,果然不出所料,跟谷歌找客户的效果差不多,还是能找到很多客户的网站的。

Because Google has been banned, I think of Yahoo, so this half a year has been using Yahoo to develop customers, the development steps are the same as Google. Now Yahoo There are still a lot of foreign customers commonly used, so it's not a bad way to go to Yahoo to find customers. So I started my journey of Yahoo to find customers. As expected, the effect of Google to find customers is almost the same, and I can still find many customers' websites.


找到客户网站后,相信大家都直奔方式去了吧,我是先去找客户网站上类似我们的产品,然后把客户的产品标题就当作我的开发信标题,这样客户看到邮件后会读的概率很大,客户以为是去买他们的产品的,而且是客户自己的产品标题,他看到邮件标题后也不会排斥。 这个标题还有个用法就是我自己阿里产品的标题,如果客户的产品描述好的话,我也会拿来用, 客户写的总比自己的好吧,说不定哪天客户就来阿里找产品了呢,嘿嘿。 这样就完成 步了,然后接下来我会到客户网站的 about us 里面看看客户的历史,有时候你会侥幸发现这里会有公司注册人的名字,甚至方式,有时候没有的,就只有去看 contact us 了。 再找不到方式,我有绝招,下面分享。


Nice day, dear friend-Instagram 自动按赞

Hope this email find you well-Instagram 自动按赞

This is ***, a lovely girl from China **, manufacturer of ** for 8 years.

After saw your website, I thought you might be interested in our *** as below picture showed,

would you like to get some samples for testing , my friend ?


We still he many other models, i can send you our more information if it's okay for you, dear friend -instagram人气

I'm here waiting for your reply-:)


后就是分享下找不到方式的,什么XXXXXXX 试过了之后还是找不到客户的方式怎么?  方法很简单,屡试都成功了,呵呵呵, 那就是直接去客户的contact us的表格里输入你的地址,然后写上这样的一句话:hello, this is ***, i'm interested in your ***. 然后就提交,这之后就等着客户来你吧,不过 客户你了之后还是要诚实的像开发客户一样给他回复哦,结果很多好心的都会回复说需要的时候会你的呢,这样又是一个客户了哈,就慢慢跟进吧!

Finally, we can't find a way to share. What's the way that XXXXXXXX can't find customers after trying?    The method is very simple. I have succeeded in many trials. Haha, that is to enter your email address directly into the customer's contact us form, and then write such a sentence: Hello, this is ^, I'm interested in your ^. Then submit it. After that, I'll wait for the customer to come to you. However, the customer should reply to it honestly as the development customer, As a result, many kind-hearted people will reply and say that they will meet you when they need to. This is another customer. Ha, let's follow up slowly!







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