美国版抖音 自动按赞 美国政府对TikTok的禁令再次被叫停buy Tiktok followers,buy tik tok subsc

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美国时间 12 月 7 日,美国华盛顿地方法院法官 Nichols 批准了一项初步禁令,该禁令会阻止美国政府限制 TikTok 在美业务。


Nichols 发布的初步禁制令丨图片来源:TechCrunch

在裁决声明中,Nichols 法官表示,特朗普政府对 TikTok 的禁令“很有可能已经超出了 IEEPA(美国 紧急经济权力法)的限制,特朗普政府这样的行事方式既武断又反复无常”。 

值得一提的是,这已经不是美国地方法院法官 次叫停特朗普政府对 TikTok 的限制措施了,今年 9 月份,三名 TikTok 网红因为“担心对 TikTok 的禁令会影响他们的生计”而起诉了特朗普政府和美国商务部。虽然 次上诉被驳回,但第二次上诉并改变了上诉理由之后,三名网红胜诉,美国宾夕法尼亚州法官 Wendy Beetlestone 在今年 10 月底否决了原定于 11 月 12 日生效的的限制措施。

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that a judge of the U.S. District Court has called for the suspension of the trump administration's restrictive measures on tiktok. In September this year, three tiktok netizens sued the trump administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce because they were "worried that the ban on tiktok would affect their livelihood". Although the first appeal was rejected, after the second appeal and the reasons for appeal were changed, three netizens won the case. At the end of October this year, judge Wendy beetlestone of Pennsylvania rejected the restrictive measures originally scheduled to take effect on November 12.buy Tiktok followers,buy tik tok subscribers

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11 月 26 日,特朗普政府再次将限制措施生效的截止日期延长至 12 月 4 日,但是据报道称,双方的谈判目前仍在持续,暂时还不会强制字节剥离 TikTok 在美业务。

在一份发给 Tech Crunch 的邮件中,TikTok 的发言人表示:“我们很高兴法院支持我们,并且针对政府的各项限制发布了初步禁令。我们一直致力于将 TikTok 建设成一个拥有上亿美国用户的家园,无论是家庭还是小型企业,都需要依靠 TikTok 来表达自我、彼此建立联系并获得真正的快乐。”

In an email sent to tech crunch, a tiktok spokesman said: "we are glad that the court supports us and has issued a preliminary injunction against the government's restrictions. We have been committed to building tiktok into a home with hundreds of millions of American users. Both families and small businesses need to rely on tiktok to express themselves, connect with each other and get real happiness."buy Tiktok followers,buy tik tok subscribers

美国商务部发言人说:“美国商务部依然坚持认为对 TikTok 的禁令是完全符合法律、并且能够合法地维护 安全利益。政府将会继续坚持此前对 TikTok 的判断,并继续推进这件事。” 

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