Tiktok刷粉丝 字节跳动新任 COO 凯文 · 梅耶尔推动 TikTok 签署《反虚假信息行为准则》

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字节跳动COO兼TikTok CEO凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)于本周视频会见欧盟 官员,目的是讨论解决社交平台上的虚假信息问题。

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据路透社报道,6月10日,欧盟专员蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)发推文说他与梅耶尔进行了“良好的交谈”。他补充道,“作为娱乐了数亿人的内容平台,TikTok在打击虚假信息上扮演着重要角色,尤其是在抗击疫情上。”

On June 10, EU Commissioner Thierry Breton tweeted that he had a "good conversation" with Meyer, Reuters reported. "As a content platform that has entertained hundreds of millions of people, tiktok plays an important role in combating false information, especially in fighting the epidemic," he added



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“TikTok是一个鼓励积极向上和创造性表达的平台,维护社区安全是我们优先考虑的问题。”字节跳动欧洲政府关系与公共政策总监提奥·伯特伦(Theo Bertram)说:“我们致力于打击虚假信息,为此在技术和审核团队方面加大了投入的力度,并推出了一些应用内功能,比如新冠疫情虚假信息报告功能。我们也在提升那些有权威信源的可靠信息的权重,并制定了一系列策略(比如禁止政治类广告)防止虚假信息的扩散。”

"Tiktok is a platform that encourages positive and creative expression, and maintaining community safety is our priority." Theo Bertram, director of European government relations and public relations, said: "we are committed to cracking down on false information. We have increased our input in technology and auditing teams, and have introduced some application functions, such as COVID-19's false information reporting function." (Theo Bertram) We are also increasing the weight of reliable information with authoritative sources, and have formulated a series of strategies (such as banning political advertising) to prevent the spread of false information. "


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