IG买粉丝 不只是“VC巨蟒”,|跨境电商丨对小企业来|跨境电商火了这么久,

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由此暴露出公司管理的弱点。撞单没有合理的解释,公司对客户的资源监控不到位,管理体系也紊乱。而我,是到后来才还原上当时我急于知道的原因:因为任何在这公司未满两年的人,邮件都必须CC老板,还有小组的handler. (接管人)而当时她是小组handler. 她看到客户发的内容,和老板私谈说,因为我是新人,她怕我跟不好这个大客户。而老板考虑到利益,许可了她的请求。

This exposed the weakness of the company's management. There is no reasonable explanation for the order collision, the company's monitoring of customers' resources is not in place, and the management system is also disordered. But I didn't restore it until later. The reason I was eager to know at that time: because anyone who has been in the company for less than two years must send an email to the CC boss and the group handler. At that time, she was the group handler. She saw the content sent by the customer and talked privately with the boss. Because I was new, she was afraid I couldn't keep up with this big customer. The boss, considering her interests, granted her request.



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