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In fact, many classic foreign trade development letter templates are really good and time-saving and convenient to borrow. However, as a passer-by, Xiaobian has to say the truth, "borrowing the development letter template is actually a typical lazy behavior". No matter how classic and excellent the template of foreign trade development letter is, it still can not change its position of isolated analysis. After all, there are 1000 different types of foreign trade development letters among 1000 different foreign trade partners. If you fantasize that there is a universal foreign trade development letter template suitable for the complex and changeable foreign trade environment, it is just a beautiful fantasy.

后,我们要注意拟写外贸开发信时对于一些商务礼仪的遵守。对于拟写外贸开发信而言,并不是有效避免内容中一些语法错误就万事大吉了, 重要的是提升客户的合作意愿,努力促成双方贸易合作的达成。如果一封外贸开发信中处处体现出一个人或一个公司良好的商业礼仪,那么首先就会给人一种有礼貌的好印象,即使不能达成贸易合作,我们也可能会成为朋友,而有时候,这些朋友恰恰可以给我们带来源源不断的优质资源客户。因此,我们一定要注意做好外贸开发信中商务礼仪的遵守和应用。


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