ins 粉丝关注 新手做外贸如何撰写发盘函|客户欠款不还,还下新订单,能扣下定金吗?|外贸基础知识之产品知识

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第三步:拿到定金后,找理由跟客户挑明,由于公司资金周转紧张,我们只能允许50%货到付款,请客户再补20%定金,此时也先不要提及欠款的事,先看看客户的反应。若客户拒绝补定金,这事作罢,我们要回了一半欠款;若客户同意补定金,我们已几乎拿到90%的欠款。拿到之后,再找理由跟客户说,公司欠款数目太多,所以公司决定对于欠款的客户先收回欠款再进行新订单。若客户接受 好,合作继续,若客户不接受,那么终止合作,拿到了90%欠款。

Step 3: after getting the deposit, find a reason to make it clear to the customer. Due to the tight capital turnover of the company, we can only allow 50% cash on delivery. Please make up another 20% deposit. At this time, don't mention the arrears and look at the customer's response first. If the customer refuses to make up the deposit, we will have to pay back half of the arrears; If the customer agrees to make up the deposit, we have almost 90% of the arrears. After getting it, find a reason to tell the customer that the company has too much debt, so the company decided to recover the debt before making a new order. If the customer accepts it, the cooperation will continue. If the customer does not accept it, the cooperation will be terminated and 90% of the arrears will be obtained.


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古时候,别人打仗,也会学会先分析下对方人的行事风格,从而猜测出对方会采用什么样的方式来打仗,这就是所谓的知己知彼,才能百战百胜,其实,我们做外贸也是一样的道理,我们首先要学会了解我们想要合作的客户或者说是潜在客户的性格,还有他们 …