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杰克听从了这位朋友的建议,一改往日工作的散漫习惯,开始认认真真地工作起来,甚至下班之后,还常常加班加点地留在办公室里研究商业文书的写法。一年之后,那位朋友偶然遇到他,就问:“现在你大概都学会了,可以准备拍桌子不干了吧?”杰克说:可是,我发现近半年来,老板对我是刮目相看了, 近更是委以重任,不但升职、而且又加薪。说实话,不仅仅是老板,公司里的其他人都开始敬重我、羡慕我了!”       

Jack followed his friend's advice, changed his casual habit of working in the past, and began to work seriously. Even after work, he often stayed in the office overtime to study the writing of business documents. A year later, the friend met him by chance and asked, "now you've probably learned how to beat the table?" Jack said: however, I found that the boss has looked at me with new eyes in the past six months. Recently, he has entrusted me with important tasks, not only promotion, but also salary increase. To tell the truth, not only the boss, but also others in the company began to respect and envy me! "        


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