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该项计划的帮助对象为在一级市场 次购买自己居住房屋的年轻夫妇和年龄不超过35岁的单身青年。无子女夫妇或者单身人士可得到相当于房价10%的 住房补助;有孩子的夫妇可以得到15%的房价补助;如果夫妇在购房后5年内生第三胎或者第四胎,还可以得到相当于房价5%的追加补助。

The program helps young couples who buy their own houses for the first time in the primary market and single young people under the age of 35. Childless couples or single people can receive a national housing subsidy equivalent to 10% of the house price; Couples with children can get 15% house price subsidy; If the couple has a third or fourth child within five years after buying the house, they can also get an additional subsidy equivalent to 5% of the house price.

2012年起, 建立战略伙伴关系,双将本着互利共赢、共同发展的精神,充分发挥两国政府主管部门、中波政府间经济联委会和商会等中介组织的宏观指导作用和平台功能,支持双方企业的合作,推动扩大贸易规模和双向投资,促进双边贸易平衡发展。波方愿为 企业进入波兰及欧洲市场提供支持和便利。


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