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主要农产品有木薯(木薯淀粉)、玉米、可可、棕榈油、花生、大米、橡胶、高粱、山药。2003,按公吨计算,牲畜的生产分别以蛋、奶、牛肉和小牛肉、家禽和猪肉为特色。同年,渔获总数为505.8公吨。圆木清除达到略低于7000万立方米,锯材产量估计为200万立方米。农业部门的生产率极低,反映了对过时方法的依赖。农业未能跟上尼日利亚人口快速增长的步伐,因此一度出口粮食的 现在进口了大量的粮食来养活自己。然而,正在努力使 粮食再次充足。

The main agricultural products are cassava (cassava starch), corn, cocoa, palm oil, peanut, rice, rubber, sorghum and yam. In 2003, livestock production featured eggs, milk, beef and veal, poultry and pork in metric tons. In the same year, the total catch was 505.8 metric tons. The removal of logs is slightly less than 70 million cubic meters, and the output of sawn timber is estimated to be 2 million cubic meters. Productivity in the agricultural sector is extremely low, reflecting reliance on outdated methods. Agriculture has failed to keep pace with Nigeria's rapid population growth, so countries that once exported food now import a lot of food to feed themselves. However, efforts are being made to make the country food sufficient again.


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